Descriptor English: Mobile Water Treatment Unit
Descriptor Spanish: Unidad Móvil de Tratamiento de Agua
Descriptor unidad móvil de tratamiento de agua
Entry term(s) Unidad Móvil de Tratamiento de Agua (UMTA)
Scope note: Estación móvil de tratamiento de agua, con dimensión, extensión y volumen reducidos y que, por su naturaleza, puede ser remolcada vía terrestre por vehículos adaptados y trafe (con algunas limitaciones) en carreteras sin pavimentación. Una vez instalada es capaz de captar agua bruta de manantiales superficiales y / o subterráneos, con determinadas concentraciones de impurezas (orgánicas, inorgánicas y demás suciedades) y temperatura variable entre 0 y 40 grados Celsius, y, después de su captura, tratar y desinfectar de acuerdo con los términos de potabilidad del agua para consumo humano, teniendo como referencia: la Guía para la vigilancia y el control de la calidad del agua en riesgo de emergencia y desastre. Organización Panamericana de la Salud y la Portaria nº 2.914/2011 de Ministerio de la Salud de Brasil. Posee mecanismos para almacenar y conservar el agua producida, de forma a viabilizar su puesta a disposición.
Descriptor Portuguese: Unidade Móvel de Tratamento de Água
Descriptor French: Unité Mobile de Traitement de l'Eau
Entry term(s): Mobile Water Treatment Unit of Low Turbidity (MWTU)
Tree number(s): SP4.895.141.534.623.298.846.854
Scope note: Mobile water treatment station with reduced size, volume and extension, which by its nature can be towed by land by adapted vehicles and travel (with some limitations) on unpaved roads. Once installed, it is able to collect raw water from surface and/or underground springs, with certain concentrations of impurities (organic, inorganic and other soils) and temperature varying between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius, and, after its capture, treat and disinfect this water according to the terms of potability of water for human consumption, having as reference the Guia para la vigilancia y el control de la calidad del agua en situaciones de emergencia y desastre. PAHO and Portaria nº 2.914 / 2011 - of the Ministry of Health. Brasil. It has mechanisms to store and conserve the produced water, in order to make it available. (Free translation from the original: FUNASA. Programação e Operação da Unidade Móvel de Tratamento de Água de Baixa Turbidez da FUNASA (UMTA), 2017. Available in:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2019
DeCS ID: 57894
Unique ID: DDCS057894
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Mobile Water Treatment Unit - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062165
Scope note Mobile water treatment station with reduced size, volume and extension, which by its nature can be towed by land by adapted vehicles and travel (with some limitations) on unpaved roads. Once installed, it is able to collect raw water from surface and/or underground springs, with certain concentrations of impurities (organic, inorganic and other soils) and temperature varying between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius, and, after its capture, treat and disinfect this water according to the terms of potability of water for human consumption, having as reference the Guia para la vigilancia y el control de la calidad del agua en situaciones de emergencia y desastre. PAHO and Portaria nº 2.914 / 2011 - of the Ministry of Health. Brasil. It has mechanisms to store and conserve the produced water, in order to make it available. (Free translation from the original: FUNASA. Programação e Operação da Unidade Móvel de Tratamento de Água de Baixa Turbidez da FUNASA (UMTA), 2017. Available in:
Preferred term Mobile Water Treatment Unit
Entry term(s) Mobile Water Treatment Unit of Low Turbidity (MWTU)

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