Descriptor English: Intermunicipal Consortia of Basic Sanitation
Descriptor Spanish: Consorcios Intermunicipales de Saneamiento Básico
Descriptor consorcios intermunicipales de saneamiento básico
Entry term(s) consorcios de saneamiento básico
Scope note: El Consorcio Público consiste en la unión entre dos o más entes de la Federación (municipios, estados y Unión), sin fines de lucro, con la finalidad de prestar servicios y desarrollar acciones conjuntas que visen el interés colectivo y los beneficios públicos. Se constituye en una asociación pública con personalidad jurídica de derecho público y de naturaleza autárquica o como persona jurídica de derecho privado sin fines económicos. Puede involucrar de forma integral los cuatro componentes del saneamiento básico: - abastecimiento de agua; - agotamiento sanitario; - limpieza urbana y manejo de residuos sólidos; - drenaje y manejo de aguas pluviales urbanas. (Traducción libre del original: Guia para os municípios indicando estratégias e procedimentos para a construção de consórcios intermunicipais de saneamento básico, Funasa, UFRJ, 2017)
Descriptor Portuguese: Consórcios Intermunicipais de Saneamento Básico
Descriptor French: Consortium Intermunicipal d'Assainissement de Base
Entry term(s): Basic Sanitation Consortia
Tree number(s): VS4.
Scope note: The Public Consortium consists of a union between two or more entities of the Federation (municipalities, states and Union), with the purpose of providing services and developing joint actions that aim at the collective interest and public benefits. It is a public association with legal personality under public law and of an autarchic nature or as a non-profit private legal entity. It could fully involve the four components of basic sanitation: - water supply; - sewage treatment; - urban cleaning and solid waste management; - drainage and management of urban rainwater. (Guia para os municípios indicando estratégias e procedimentos para a construção de consórcios intermunicipais de saneamento básico, Funasa, UFRJ, 2017) [Free translation]
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2019
DeCS ID: 57904
Unique ID: DDCS057904
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Intermunicipal Consortia of Basic Sanitation - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062175
Scope note The Public Consortium consists of a union between two or more entities of the Federation (municipalities, states and Union), with the purpose of providing services and developing joint actions that aim at the collective interest and public benefits. It is a public association with legal personality under public law and of an autarchic nature or as a non-profit private legal entity. It could fully involve the four components of basic sanitation: - water supply; - sewage treatment; - urban cleaning and solid waste management; - drainage and management of urban rainwater. (Guia para os municípios indicando estratégias e procedimentos para a construção de consórcios intermunicipais de saneamento básico, Funasa, UFRJ, 2017) [Free translation]
Preferred term Intermunicipal Consortia of Basic Sanitation
Entry term(s) Basic Sanitation Consortia

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