Descriptor English: Health Fund
Descriptor Spanish: Fondo de Salud
Descriptor fondo de salud
Entry term(s) fondos de salud
Scope note: Fondo o cuenta específica que engloba todos los recursos destinados al sector de Salud - de donaciones, rendimientos, transferencias y transferencias - que, obligatoriamente, sólo pueden ser utilizados en acciones y servicios de salud. Los recursos destinados al sector de salud pueden ser del ámbito federal, estadual o municipal. (De:
Descriptor Portuguese: Fundo de Saúde
Descriptor French: Fonds de Santé
Entry term(s): Health Funds
Tree number(s): SP1.333.450
Scope note: Fund or specific account that includes all the resources destined to the Health sector - of donations, yields, transfers and transfers - that, obligatorily, can only be used in actions and health services. The resources allocated to the health sector can be federal, state or municipal. (Free translation from the original:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2019
DeCS ID: 57995
Unique ID: DDCS057995
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Health Fund - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062263
Scope note Fund or specific account that includes all the resources destined to the Health sector - of donations, yields, transfers and transfers - that, obligatorily, can only be used in actions and health services. The resources allocated to the health sector can be federal, state or municipal. (Free translation from the original:
Preferred term Health Fund
Entry term(s) Health Funds

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