Descriptor English: Health Sector Stewardship and Governance
Descriptor Spanish: Rectoría y Gobernanza del Sector de Salud
Descriptor rectoría y gobernanza del sector de salud
Scope note: La participación de actores a los cuales les concierne la definición e implementación de políticas, programas y prácticas que promueven sistemas de salud equitativos y sostenibles. (De:
Descriptor Portuguese: Direção e Governança do Setor de Saúde
Descriptor French: Gérance et Gouvernance du Secteur de la Santé
Tree number(s): SP1.483.644
Scope note: Participation of stakeholders who are concerned with the definition and implementation of policies, programs and practices that promote equitable and sustainable health systems. (Free translation from:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2019
DeCS ID: 58016
Unique ID: DDCS058016
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Health Sector Stewardship and Governance - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062284
Scope note Participation of stakeholders who are concerned with the definition and implementation of policies, programs and practices that promote equitable and sustainable health systems. (Free translation from:
Preferred term Health Sector Stewardship and Governance

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