Descriptor English: Maze Procedure
Descriptor Spanish: Procedimiento de Laberinto
Descriptor intervención del laberinto
Entry term(s) técnica del laberinto
Scope note: Tratamiento quirúrgico en el que se genera una cicatriz (método de corte y cosido), se extirpa o se destruye de alguna otra forma tejido cardíaco con un abordaje torácico abierto para dirigir las señales eléctricas a través de una vía más controlada a través del NÓDULO AURICULOVENTRICULAR. A menudo se utiliza para restaurar ritmos normales en caso de FIBRILACIÓN AURICULAR.
Descriptor Portuguese: Procedimento do Labirinto
Descriptor French: Procédure Maze
Entry term(s): Ablation, Maze
Cox Maze III Procedure
Cox Maze III Surgery
Cox Maze IV Procedure
Cox Maze Operation
Cox Maze Procedure
Cox-Maze Operation
Cox-Maze Operations
Cox-Maze Procedure
Left sided Maze Procedure
Left-sided Maze Procedure
Left-sided Maze Procedures
Maze Ablation
Maze Ablations
Maze III Procedure
Maze III Procedures
Maze IV Procedure
Maze IV Procedures
Maze Procedure, Left-sided
Maze Procedure, Mini
Maze Procedures
Maze Surgeries
Maze Surgery
Mini Maze Procedure
Mini Maze Procedures
Procedure, Maze III
Procedure, Maze IV
Tree number(s): E04.014.640
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A surgical treatment in which heart tissue is scarred (cut-and-sew method), excised or otherwise destroyed in an open chest approach to direct electrical signals through a more controlled path via the ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE. It is often used to restore normal rhythms in ATRIAL FIBRILLATION.
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
CL classification
EC economics
ED education
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
MO mortality
MT methods
NU nursing
PX psychology
RH rehabilitation
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Cardiac Surgical Procedures (1993-2019)
Public MeSH Note: 2020
History Note: 2020
DeCS ID: 59147
Unique ID: D000079042
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2020/01/01
Date of Entry: 2019/07/08
Revision Date: 2018/10/05
Maze Procedure - Preferred
Concept UI M000643837
Scope note A surgical treatment in which heart tissue is scarred (cut-and-sew method), excised or otherwise destroyed in an open chest approach to direct electrical signals through a more controlled path via the ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE. It is often used to restore normal rhythms in ATRIAL FIBRILLATION.
Preferred term Maze Procedure
Entry term(s) Ablation, Maze
Cox Maze Operation
Cox Maze Procedure
Cox-Maze Operation
Cox-Maze Operations
Cox-Maze Procedure
Maze Ablation
Maze Ablations
Maze Procedures
Maze Surgeries
Maze Surgery
Left-sided Maze Procedure - Narrower
Concept UI M000645044
Preferred term Left-sided Maze Procedure
Entry term(s) Left sided Maze Procedure
Left-sided Maze Procedures
Maze Procedure, Left-sided
Cox Maze III Procedure - Narrower
Concept UI M000644729
Preferred term Cox Maze III Procedure
Entry term(s) Cox Maze III Surgery
Maze III Procedure
Maze III Procedures
Procedure, Maze III
Mini Maze Procedure - Narrower
Concept UI M000645043
Preferred term Mini Maze Procedure
Entry term(s) Maze Procedure, Mini
Mini Maze Procedures
Cox Maze IV Procedure - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000643838
Preferred term Cox Maze IV Procedure
Entry term(s) Maze IV Procedure
Maze IV Procedures
Procedure, Maze IV

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