Descriptor English: Induced Demand
Descriptor Spanish: Demanda Inducida
Descriptor demanda inducida
Entry term(s) demanda inducida para servicios sanitarios
inducción de demanda
inducción de demanda por el proveedor
inducción de la demanda
inducción de la demanda de servicios de salud
inducción de la demanda por el proveedor
Scope note: Estimulación de la demanda proporcionando o vendiendo servicios a veces innecesarios a los usuarios que se acompaña de ejercicio de poder en nombre de los proveedores de servicios.
Descriptor Portuguese: Demanda Induzida
Descriptor French: Demande induite
Entry term(s): Demand Inducement
Demand Inducing
Demand Induction
Demand, Induced
Demands, Induced
Induced Demand For Healthcare Services
Induced Demand for Health Care
Induced Demand for Health Services
Induced Demand for Medicines
Induced Demand in Healthcare
Induced Demands
Inducing Demand
Induction of Demand
Induction of the Demand
Physician-Induced Demand
Provider-Induced Demand
Supplier-Induced Demand
Supplier-Induced Demand in Healthcare
Tree number(s): N03.219.665
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Stimulating demand by providing or selling of sometimes unnecessary services to users accompanied by exercising power on behalf of service providers.
Allowable Qualifiers: HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
ST standards
TD trends
Public MeSH Note: 2021
History Note: 2021
DeCS ID: 59558
Unique ID: D000081724
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2021/01/01
Date of Entry: 2020/07/07
Revision Date: 2020/06/18
Induced Demand - Preferred
Concept UI M000653900
Scope note Stimulating demand by providing or selling of sometimes unnecessary services to users accompanied by exercising power on behalf of service providers.
Preferred term Induced Demand
Entry term(s) Demand Inducement
Demand Inducing
Demand Induction
Demand, Induced
Demands, Induced
Induced Demands
Inducing Demand
Induction of Demand
Induction of the Demand
Induced Demand For Healthcare Services - Broader
Concept UI M000677118
Preferred term Induced Demand For Healthcare Services
Entry term(s) Induced Demand for Health Care
Induced Demand for Health Services
Induced Demand for Medicines
Induced Demand in Healthcare
Physician-Induced Demand
Provider-Induced Demand
Supplier-Induced Demand
Supplier-Induced Demand in Healthcare

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