Descriptor English: Haptic Technology
Descriptor Spanish: Tecnología Háptica
Descriptor tecnologia háptica
Entry term(s) háptica
tecnología de comunicación háptica
tecnología de percepción háptica
tecnología de retroalimentación háptica
tecnología de retroalimentación táctil
Scope note: Estudio del uso del tacto y la CINESTESIA para producir INTERFACES INFORMÁTICAS HÁPTICAS que permiten a los usuarios interactuar con objetos digitales mediante retroalimentación cinestésica, retroalimentación de fuerza y ​​retroalimentación táctil.
Descriptor Portuguese: Tecnologia Háptica
Descriptor French: Technologie haptique
Entry term(s): Communication Technologies, Haptic
Communication Technology, Haptic
Haptic Communication Technologies
Haptic Communication Technology
Haptic Feedback Technologies
Haptic Feedback Technology
Haptic Perception Technologies
Haptic Perception Technology
Haptic Technologies
Perception Technologies, Haptic
Perception Technology, Haptic
Technologies, Haptic
Technologies, Haptic Communication
Technologies, Haptic Feedback
Technologies, Haptic Perception
Technologies, Touch Feedback
Technology, Haptic
Technology, Haptic Communication
Technology, Haptic Feedback
Technology, Haptic Perception
Technology, Touch Feedback
Touch Feedback Technologies
Touch Feedback Technology
Tree number(s): J01.293.069.375
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The study of the use of touch and KINESTHESIS in order to produce HAPTIC COMPUTER INTERFACES that will allow users to interact with digital objects by kinesthetic feedback, force feedback, and tactile feedback.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ED education
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
MT methods
OG organization & administration
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
Public MeSH Note: 2022
History Note: 2022
Related: Haptic Interfaces MeSH
Nonverbal Communication MeSH
DeCS ID: 59743
Unique ID: D000089862
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2022/01/01
Date of Entry: 2021/07/09
Revision Date: 2021/07/07
Haptic Technology - Preferred
Concept UI M000745088
Scope note The study of the use of touch and KINESTHESIS in order to produce HAPTIC COMPUTER INTERFACES that will allow users to interact with digital objects by kinesthetic feedback, force feedback, and tactile feedback.
Preferred term Haptic Technology
Entry term(s) Haptic Feedback Technologies
Haptic Feedback Technology
Haptic Technologies
Technologies, Haptic
Technologies, Haptic Feedback
Technologies, Touch Feedback
Technology, Haptic
Technology, Haptic Feedback
Technology, Touch Feedback
Touch Feedback Technologies
Touch Feedback Technology
Haptic Communication Technology - Narrower
Concept UI M000745366
Preferred term Haptic Communication Technology
Entry term(s) Communication Technologies, Haptic
Communication Technology, Haptic
Haptic Communication Technologies
Technologies, Haptic Communication
Technology, Haptic Communication
Haptics - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000747948
Preferred term Haptics
Haptic Perception Technology - Narrower
Concept UI M000747137
Preferred term Haptic Perception Technology
Entry term(s) Haptic Perception Technologies
Perception Technologies, Haptic
Perception Technology, Haptic
Technologies, Haptic Perception
Technology, Haptic Perception

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