Descriptor English: Neighborhood Characteristics
Descriptor Spanish: Características del Vecindario
Descriptor características del vecindario
Entry term(s) ambiente del vecindario
desventaja del vecindario
efectos del vecindario
entorno vecinal
seguridad del vecindario
Scope note: Características que pueden describir las características demográficas, sociales, del entorno edificado o económicas de un área geográfica en la que viven personas y que pueden afectar a la salud y al bienestar de los residentes del vecindario. Los entornos del vecindario incluyen el entorno físico (aire/agua insalubres), el entorno edificado (aceras/espacios verdes) y el entorno social (seguridad, sentido de comunidad).
Descriptor Portuguese: Características da Vizinhança
Descriptor French: Caractéristiques du voisinage
Entry term(s): Characteristics, Neighborhood
Disadvantages, Neighborhood
Effect, Neighborhood
Environment, Neighborhood
Neighborhood Disadvantage
Neighborhood Disadvantages
Neighborhood Effect
Neighborhood Effects
Neighborhood Environment
Neighborhood Environments
Neighborhood Safety
Safety, Neighborhood
Tree number(s): I01.880.853.500.525
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Characteristics that may describe the demographic, social, built environment, or economic characteristics of a geographic area in which people live and can affect health and well-being of neighborhood residents. Neighborhood environments include the physical environment (unsafe air/water), built environment (sidewalks/greenspace) and the social environment (safety, sense of community).
Annotation: for issues concerning health, coordinate with SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH; specify geographic location if pertinent
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
HI history
SN statistics & numerical data
Previous Indexing: Residence Characteristics (2007-2021)
Public MeSH Note: 2022
History Note: 2022
DeCS ID: 59888
Unique ID: D000091542
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2022/01/01
Date of Entry: 2021/07/09
Revision Date: 2022/07/13
Neighborhood Characteristics - Preferred
Concept UI M000748989
Scope note Characteristics that may describe the demographic, social, built environment, or economic characteristics of a geographic area in which people live and can affect health and well-being of neighborhood residents. Neighborhood environments include the physical environment (unsafe air/water), built environment (sidewalks/greenspace) and the social environment (safety, sense of community).
Preferred term Neighborhood Characteristics
Entry term(s) Characteristics, Neighborhood
Neighborhood Disadvantage - Narrower
Concept UI M000749165
Scope note Neighborhood disadvantage refers to the lack of economic and social resources in a neighborhood and has been shown to exert a detrimental effect on health outcomes over and above individual level characteristics.
Preferred term Neighborhood Disadvantage
Entry term(s) Disadvantages, Neighborhood
Neighborhood Disadvantages
Neighborhood Safety - Narrower
Concept UI M000749166
Scope note An area that is characterized as having factors protecting residents from risk, harm, violence, or injury.
Preferred term Neighborhood Safety
Entry term(s) Safety, Neighborhood
Neighborhood Effects - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000752780
Preferred term Neighborhood Effects
Entry term(s) Effect, Neighborhood
Neighborhood Effect
Neighborhood Environment - Narrower
Concept UI M000752781
Preferred term Neighborhood Environment
Entry term(s) Environment, Neighborhood
Neighborhood Environments

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