Descriptor English: Defective Interfering Viruses
Descriptor Spanish: Virus Interferentes Defectuosos
Descriptor virus defectuosos interferentes
Entry term(s) genoma defectuoso interferente
partículas defectuosas interferentes
partículas defectuosas interferentes sintéticas
partículas interferentes defectuosas
virus defectuoso interferente sintético
virus defectuosos interferentes naturales
virus defectuosos interferentes sintéticos
virus genómicos defectuosos interferentes sintéticos
Scope note: Genomas y partículas virales mutantes defectuosos de origen natural o sintético que son incompetentes para una replicación independiente y que interfieren en la REPLICACIÓN VIRAL normal. Algunos genomas defectuosos interferentes sintéticos pueden estimular una respuesta de INMUNIDAD INNATA y son candidatos para posibles estrategias terapéuticas y vacunales para infecciones virales.
Descriptor Portuguese: Vírus Defeituosos Interferentes
Descriptor French: Virus défectifs interférents
Entry term(s): Defective Interfering Genome
Defective Interfering Genomes
Defective Interfering Particle
Defective Interfering Particles
Defective Interfering Virus
Genome, Defective Interfering
Interfering Genome, Defective
Interfering Particle, Defective
Interfering Particles, Defective
Interfering Virus, Defective
Interfering Viruses, Defective
Natural Defective Interfering Viruses
Particle, Defective Interfering
Particles, Defective Interfering
Synthetic Defective Interfering Genome Viruses
Synthetic Defective Interfering Particles
Synthetic Defective Interfering Virus
Synthetic Defective Interfering Viruses
Virus, Defective Interfering
Viruses, Defective Interfering
Tree number(s): B04.265.135
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note:
Allowable Qualifiers: CH chemistry
CL classification
DE drug effects
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
GE genetics
IM immunology
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PH physiology
PY pathogenicity
RE radiation effects
UL ultrastructure
DeCS ID: 59944
Unique ID: D000089783
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2022/03/11
Defective Interfering Viruses - Preferred
Concept UI M000744959
Preferred term Defective Interfering Viruses
Entry term(s) Defective Interfering Particle
Defective Interfering Particles
Defective Interfering Virus
Interfering Particle, Defective
Interfering Particles, Defective
Interfering Virus, Defective
Interfering Viruses, Defective
Particle, Defective Interfering
Particles, Defective Interfering
Virus, Defective Interfering
Viruses, Defective Interfering
Synthetic Defective Interfering Viruses - Narrower
Concept UI M000744961
Preferred term Synthetic Defective Interfering Viruses
Entry term(s) Synthetic Defective Interfering Genome Viruses
Synthetic Defective Interfering Particles
Synthetic Defective Interfering Virus
Natural Defective Interfering Viruses - Narrower
Concept UI M000747849
Preferred term Natural Defective Interfering Viruses
Defective Interfering Genome - Narrower
Concept UI M000744960
Preferred term Defective Interfering Genome
Entry term(s) Defective Interfering Genomes
Genome, Defective Interfering
Interfering Genome, Defective

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