Descriptor English: Psychiatric Reform
Descriptor Spanish: Reforma Psiquiátrica
Descriptor reforma psiquiátrica
Scope note: Proceso social complejo que busca romper con el conocimiento y las prácticas de las instituciones psiquiátricas clásicas para superar el modelo de asilo de la atención en salud mental, históricamente excluyente.
Descriptor Portuguese: Reforma Psiquiátrica
Descriptor French: Réforme psychiatrique
Entry term(s): Psychiatric Reformation
Tree number(s): SP2.840.259.638
Scope note: A complex social process that seeks to break with the knowledge and practices of classic psychiatric institutions to overcome the asylum model of mental health care, which is historically exclusive.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 60365
Unique ID: DDCS060365
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2023/05/10
Psychiatric Reform - Preferred
Concept UI FD00067550
Scope note A complex social process that seeks to break with the knowledge and practices of classic psychiatric institutions to overcome the asylum model of mental health care, which is historically exclusive.
Preferred term Psychiatric Reform
Entry term(s) Psychiatric Reformation

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