Descriptor English: Guardianship Council
Descriptor Spanish: Consejo Tutelar
Descriptor Portuguese: Conselho Tutelar
Descriptor French: Conseil de tutelle
Entry term(s): Tutelage Council
Tutelary Council
Tree number(s): SP9.242.315.198.276
Scope note: A governamental agency acting as a collegiate, permanent, autonomous, non-jurisdictional body of civil society to ensure compliance with the rights of children and adolescents. It acts in accordance with the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (Brazil), whenever there is a violation of the right of the child and adolescent, by action or omission of society and the State, due to the lack, omission or abuse of the family and due to their conduct, applying measures foreseen in the same attributions. (
Allowable Qualifiers: EC economics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
OG organization & administration
ST standards
DeCS ID: 60378
Unique ID: DDCS060378
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2023/07/03
Guardianship Council - Preferred
Concept UI FD00067580
Scope note A governamental agency acting as a collegiate, permanent, autonomous, non-jurisdictional body of civil society to ensure compliance with the rights of children and adolescents. It acts in accordance with the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (Brazil), whenever there is a violation of the right of the child and adolescent, by action or omission of society and the State, due to the lack, omission or abuse of the family and due to their conduct, applying measures foreseen in the same attributions. (
Preferred term Guardianship Council
Entry term(s) Tutelage Council
Tutelary Council

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