Descriptor English: Emunctory Kinetics
Descriptor Spanish: Cinética de las Emunciones
Descriptor cinética de los emuntorios
Scope note: Efecto del uso de remedios homeopáticos que son capaces de desbloquear la reacción insuficiente del organismo para mejorar sus respectivos signos y síntomas.
Descriptor Portuguese: Cinética de Emunctórios
Descriptor French: Cinétique émonctoire
Tree number(s): HP2.007.110.219
Scope note: The effect of the use of homeopathic medicines that are able to unblock the organism's insufficient reaction in order to improve its respective signs and symptoms.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 60394
Unique ID: DDCS060394
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2023/08/10
Emunctory Kinetics - Preferred
Concept UI FD00067599
Scope note The effect of the use of homeopathic medicines that are able to unblock the organism's insufficient reaction in order to improve its respective signs and symptoms.
Preferred term Emunctory Kinetics

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