Descriptor English: Obstetric Delivery Planning
Descriptor Spanish: Plan de Parto
Descriptor plan de parto
Descriptor Portuguese: Plano de Parto
Descriptor French: Plan de naissance
Entry term(s): Birth Plan
Labor Planning
Pre-Labour Directives
Prenatal Birth Plan
Tree number(s): SP2.280.135.604.699
Scope note: Individualized birth plan recommended by the World Health Organization for natural birth assistance that considers the preferences and needs of women in labor.
Allowable Qualifiers: MT methods
NU nursing
Related: Prenatal Care MeSH
DeCS ID: 60404
Unique ID: DDCS060404
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2023/09/25
Obstetric Delivery Planning - Preferred
Concept UI FD00067616
Scope note Individualized birth plan recommended by the World Health Organization for natural birth assistance that considers the preferences and needs of women in labor.
Preferred term Obstetric Delivery Planning
Entry term(s) Birth Plan
Labor Planning
Pre-Labour Directives
Prenatal Birth Plan

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