Descriptor English: Bungarus multicinctus
Descriptor Spanish: Bungarus multicinctus
Descriptor Bungarus multicinctus
Entry term(s) Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus
Bungarus multicinctus wanghaotingi
Bungarus wanghaotingi
krait chino
krait con muchas bandas
Scope note: Especie de serpiente elápida venenosa del género BUNGARUS que se encuentra en las marismas del sudeste asiático y en el centro y el sur de China. Su nombre común, krait de muchas bandas, hace referencia a las numerosas bandas blancas transversales de su cuerpo. El veneno de B. multicinctus contiene BUNGAROTOXINAS.
Descriptor Portuguese: Bungarus multicinctus
Descriptor French: Bungarus multicinctus
Entry term(s): Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus
Bungarus multicinctus wanghaotingi
Bungarus wanghaotingi
Chinese Krait
Chinese Kraits
Krait, Chinese
Krait, Many-Banded
Many Banded Krait
Many-Banded Krait
Many-Banded Kraits
Tree number(s): B01.
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A venomous elapid snake species of BUNGARUS genus found in the marshlands of Southeast Asia and central and southern China. Its common name many-banded krait refers to the numerous white bands across its body. B. multicinctus venom is BUNGAROTOXINS.
Allowable Qualifiers: AB abnormalities
AH anatomy & histology
BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CL classification
EM embryology
GD growth & development
GE genetics
IM immunology
IN injuries
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PH physiology
PS parasitology
SU surgery
UR urine
VI virology
Registry Number: txid8616
Previous Indexing: Bungarus (1963-2023)
Public MeSH Note: 2024
History Note: 2024
DeCS ID: 60559
Unique ID: D000097144
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2024/01/01
Date of Entry: 2023/07/26
Revision Date: 2023/05/31
Bungarus multicinctus - Preferred
Concept UI M000763293
Scope note A venomous elapid snake species of BUNGARUS genus found in the marshlands of Southeast Asia and central and southern China. Its common name many-banded krait refers to the numerous white bands across its body. B. multicinctus venom is BUNGAROTOXINS.
Preferred term Bungarus multicinctus
Entry term(s) Chinese Krait
Chinese Kraits
Krait, Chinese
Krait, Many-Banded
Many Banded Krait
Many-Banded Krait
Many-Banded Kraits
Bungarus multicinctus wanghaotingi - Narrower
Concept UI M000763296
Preferred term Bungarus multicinctus wanghaotingi
Entry term(s) Bungarus wanghaotingi
Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus - Narrower
Concept UI M000763295
Preferred term Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus

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