Descriptor English: Geomorphometry
Descriptor Spanish: Geomorfometría
Descriptor morfometría geológica
Descriptor Portuguese: Geomorfometria
Descriptor French: Géomorphométrie
Tree number(s): SP4.202.385.580.332
Scope note: An interdisciplinary science assigned to of important concepts and methodologies for studies aimed at quantifying the earth’s surface offering an array of resources for mapping and prediction of the physical medium, diagnosis/prognosis assessment and modeling of forms and processes we have a direct relationship with the topographic variability of a given landscape.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 60720
Unique ID: DDCS060720
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2023/10/31
Geomorphometry - Preferred
Concept UI FD00068533
Scope note An interdisciplinary science assigned to of important concepts and methodologies for studies aimed at quantifying the earth’s surface offering an array of resources for mapping and prediction of the physical medium, diagnosis/prognosis assessment and modeling of forms and processes we have a direct relationship with the topographic variability of a given landscape.
Preferred term Geomorphometry

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