Descriptor English: Origanum creticum
Descriptor Spanish: Origanum creticum
Descriptor Origanum creticum
Descriptor Portuguese: Origanum creticum
Descriptor French: Origanum creticum
Tree number(s): HP4.018.602.600.656.283
Scope note: Homeopathic remedy. Abbrev.: "orig-cr.". Plant origin. Original habitat: Southern Europe. Parts used: whole plant.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 60761
Unique ID: DDCS060761
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Date of Entry: 2023/12/10
Origanum creticum - Preferred
Concept UI FD00068575
Scope note Homeopathic remedy. Abbrev.: "orig-cr.". Plant origin. Original habitat: Southern Europe. Parts used: whole plant.
Preferred term Origanum creticum

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