Descriptor English: History of Dentistry
Descriptor Spanish: Historia de la Odontología
Descriptor historia de la odontología
Scope note: Estudio de los acontecimientos pasados y del desarrollo del campo de la ODONTOLOGÍA.
Descriptor Portuguese: História da Odontologia
Descriptor French: Histoire de l'art dentaire
Entry term(s): Histoire de la dentisterie
Histoire de la médecine dentaire
Tree number(s): K01.400.450
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Study of past events and development in the field of DENTISTRY.
Annotation: general; prefer /hist with specific dentistry term & do not coordinate here or with DENTISTRY
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 6824
Unique ID: D006665
NLM Classification: WU 11
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1965/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2018/06/20
Histoire de l'art dentaire - Preferred
Concept UI M0010438
Preferred term Histoire de l'art dentaire
Entry term(s) Histoire de la dentisterie
Histoire de la médecine dentaire

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