Descriptor English: Jungian Theory
Descriptor Spanish: Teoría Junguiana
Descriptor teoría junguiana
Entry term(s) teoría jungiana
Scope note: Sistema psicoanalítico teórico centrado en los símbolos del inconsciente con el material inconsciente derivado de dos fuentes: el inconsciente personal (experiencias, pensamientos y sentimientos reprimidos u olvidados) y el inconsciente colectivo u objetivo (cualidades heredadas universales que predisponen al individuo a comportarse de modos semejantes a sus ancestros).
Descriptor Portuguese: Teoria Junguiana
Descriptor French: Théorie jungienne
Entry term(s): Theory, Jungian
Tree number(s): F02.739.794.471
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A theoretical psychoanalytical system centered around symbols of the unconscious with the unconscious material derived from two sources - the personal unconscious (repressed or forgotten experiences, thoughts and feelings) and the collective or objective unconscious (the universal inherited qualities which dispose individuals to behave in ways similar to their ancestors).
Allowable Qualifiers: HI history
Public MeSH Note: 91; was see under PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY 1975-90
Online Note: search PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY 1969-74
History Note: 91(75); was see under PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY 1975-90
DeCS ID: 7770
Unique ID: D007602
NLM Classification: WM 460.5.J9
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2004/07/28
Jungian Theory - Preferred
Concept UI M0011873
Scope note A theoretical psychoanalytical system centered around symbols of the unconscious with the unconscious material derived from two sources - the personal unconscious (repressed or forgotten experiences, thoughts and feelings) and the collective or objective unconscious (the universal inherited qualities which dispose individuals to behave in ways similar to their ancestors).
Preferred term Jungian Theory
Entry term(s) Theory, Jungian

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