Descriptor English: Medically Underserved Area
Descriptor Spanish: Área sin Atención Médica
Descriptor área con atención médica insuficiente
Entry term(s) cuerpo nacional de servicios sanitarios
poblaciones con atención médica insuficiente
población con atención médica insuficiente
área con escasez de médicos
Scope note: Localidad geográfica que tiene recursos de salud escasos (empleados o instalaciones) para atender las necesidades de la población residente.
Descriptor Portuguese: Área Carente de Assistência Médica
Descriptor French: Zone médicalement sous-équipée
Entry term(s): Area, Medically Underserved
Area, Physician Shortage
Areas, Medically Underserved
Areas, Physician Shortage
Health Service Corps, National
Medically Underserved Areas
Medically Underserved Population
Medically Underserved Populations
National Health Service Corps
Physician Shortage Area
Physician Shortage Areas
Population, Medically Underserved
Populations, Medically Underserved
Shortage Area, Physician
Shortage Areas, Physician
Underserved Area, Medically
Underserved Areas, Medically
Underserved Population, Medically
Underserved Populations, Medically
Tree number(s): N03.349.650.340
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A geographic location which has insufficient health resources (manpower and/or facilities) to meet the medical needs of the resident population.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Public MeSH Note: 78
History Note: 78
Related: Health Services Accessibility MeSH
DeCS ID: 8674
Unique ID: D008507
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1978/01/01
Date of Entry: 1977/05/12
Revision Date: 2018/02/27
Medically Underserved Area - Preferred
Concept UI M0013242
Scope note A geographic location which has insufficient health resources (manpower and/or facilities) to meet the medical needs of the resident population.
Preferred term Medically Underserved Area
Entry term(s) Area, Medically Underserved
Areas, Medically Underserved
Medically Underserved Areas
Underserved Area, Medically
Underserved Areas, Medically
Medically Underserved Population - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000639864
Scope note Populations designated as having too few primary care providers, high infant mortality, high poverty or a high elderly population.
Preferred term Medically Underserved Population
Entry term(s) Medically Underserved Populations
Population, Medically Underserved
Populations, Medically Underserved
Underserved Population, Medically
Underserved Populations, Medically
Physician Shortage Area - Narrower
Concept UI M0013244
Preferred term Physician Shortage Area
Entry term(s) Area, Physician Shortage
Areas, Physician Shortage
Physician Shortage Areas
Shortage Area, Physician
Shortage Areas, Physician
National Health Service Corps - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0013243
Preferred term National Health Service Corps
Entry term(s) Health Service Corps, National

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