Descriptor English: Melanoma
Descriptor Spanish: Melanoma
Descriptor melanoma
Entry term(s) melanoma maligno
Scope note: Neoplasia maligna derivada de células capaces de producir melanina, que puede aparecer en la piel de cualquier parte del cuerpo, en el ojo y rara vez en las mucosas de los genitales, el ano, la cavidad bucal y otras zonas. Casi todos los casos de esta neoplasia se producen en adultos y pueden originarse de novo o a partir de un nevo pigmentado o lentigo maligno. Los melanomas dan a menudo metástasis extendidas que frecuentemente afectan a los ganglios linfáticos regionales, hígado, pulmones y cerebro. (Stedman, 25th ed; Rook et al., Textbook of Dermatology, 4th ed, p. 2445)
Descriptor Portuguese: Melanoma
Descriptor French: Mélanome
Entry term(s): Malignant Melanoma
Malignant Melanomas
Melanoma, Malignant
Melanomas, Malignant
Tree number(s): C04.557.465.625.650.510
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A malignant neoplasm derived from cells that are capable of forming melanin, which may occur in the skin of any part of the body, in the eye, or, rarely, in the mucous membranes of the genitalia, anus, oral cavity, or other sites. It occurs mostly in adults and may originate de novo or from a pigmented nevus or malignant lentigo. Melanomas frequently metastasize widely, and the regional lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and brain are likely to be involved. The incidence of malignant skin melanomas is rising rapidly in all parts of the world. (Stedman, 25th ed; from Rook et al., Textbook of Dermatology, 4th ed, p2445)
Annotation: coordinate with precoordinated organ/neoplasm term; MELANOMA, EXPERIMENTAL is also available
Allowable Qualifiers: BL blood
BS blood supply
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CH chemistry
CI chemically induced
CL classification
CN congenital
CO complications
DG diagnostic imaging
DH diet therapy
DI diagnosis
DT drug therapy
EC economics
EH ethnology
EM embryology
EN enzymology
EP epidemiology
ET etiology
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
MO mortality
NU nursing
PA pathology
PC prevention & control
PP physiopathology
PS parasitology
PX psychology
RH rehabilitation
RT radiotherapy
SC secondary
SU surgery
TH therapy
UL ultrastructure
UR urine
VE veterinary
VI virology
DeCS ID: 8714
Unique ID: D008545
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 1996/06/10
Melanoma - Preferred
Concept UI M0013309
Scope note A malignant neoplasm derived from cells that are capable of forming melanin, which may occur in the skin of any part of the body, in the eye, or, rarely, in the mucous membranes of the genitalia, anus, oral cavity, or other sites. It occurs mostly in adults and may originate de novo or from a pigmented nevus or malignant lentigo. Melanomas frequently metastasize widely, and the regional lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and brain are likely to be involved. The incidence of malignant skin melanomas is rising rapidly in all parts of the world. (Stedman, 25th ed; from Rook et al., Textbook of Dermatology, 4th ed, p2445)
Preferred term Melanoma
Entry term(s) Malignant Melanoma
Malignant Melanomas
Melanoma, Malignant
Melanomas, Malignant

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