Descriptor English: Motor Neurons, Gamma
Descriptor Spanish: Neuronas Motoras gamma
Descriptor neuronas motoras gamma
Entry term(s) motoneuronas gamma
neuronas fusimotoras
neuronas gamma motoras
Scope note: Neuronas motoras que activan las regiones contráctiles de las FIBRAS MUSCULARES ESQUELÉTICAS intrafusales y de esta forma ajustan la sensibilidad al estiramiento de los HUSOS MUSCULARES. Las neuronas motoras gamma pueden ser "estáticas" o "dinámicas", de acuerdo con el tipo de respuesta (o qué tipo de fibras) que regulan. Las neuronas motoras alfa y gamma a menudo se activan juntas (coactivación alfa gamma), lo cual permite a los husos contribuir al control de la trayectoria del movimiento a pesar de los cambios en la longitud del músculo.
Descriptor Portuguese: Neurônios Motores gama
Descriptor French: Motoneurones gamma
Entry term(s): Fusimotor Neuron
Fusimotor Neurons
Gamma Motor Neuron
Gamma Motor Neurons
Gamma Motorneuron
Gamma Motorneurons
Gamma-Efferent Motor Neuron
Gamma-Efferent Motor Neurons
Motor Neuron, Gamma
Motor Neuron, Gamma-Efferent
Motor Neurons, Gamma Efferent
Motor Neurons, Gamma-Efferent
Motorneuron, Gamma
Motorneurons, Gamma
Neuron, Fusimotor
Neuron, Gamma Motor
Neuron, Gamma-Efferent Motor
Neurons, Fusimotor
Neurons, Gamma Motor
Neurons, Gamma-Efferent Motor
Tree number(s): A08.675.655.500.525
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Motor neurons which activate the contractile regions of intrafusal SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS, thus adjusting the sensitivity of the MUSCLE SPINDLES to stretch. Gamma motor neurons may be "static" or "dynamic" according to which aspect of responsiveness (or which fiber types) they regulate. The alpha and gamma motor neurons are often activated together (alpha gamma coactivation) which allows the spindles to contribute to the control of movement trajectories despite changes in muscle length.
Allowable Qualifiers: CH chemistry
CL classification
CY cytology
DE drug effects
EN enzymology
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PA pathology
PH physiology
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
TR transplantation
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Public MeSH Note: 91; was see under MOTOR NEURONS 1979-90; was MOTOR NEURONS, GAMMA EFFERENT see under MOTOR NEURONS 1975-78
History Note: 91(79); was see under MOTOR NEURONS 1979-90; was MOTOR NEURONS, GAMMA EFFERENT see under MOTOR NEURONS 1975-78
Related: Muscle Spindles MeSH
DeCS ID: 9240
Unique ID: D009047
NLM Classification: WL 102.7
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1974/11/11
Revision Date: 2014/06/13
Motor Neurons, Gamma - Preferred
Concept UI M0014115
Scope note Motor neurons which activate the contractile regions of intrafusal SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS, thus adjusting the sensitivity of the MUSCLE SPINDLES to stretch. Gamma motor neurons may be "static" or "dynamic" according to which aspect of responsiveness (or which fiber types) they regulate. The alpha and gamma motor neurons are often activated together (alpha gamma coactivation) which allows the spindles to contribute to the control of movement trajectories despite changes in muscle length.
Preferred term Motor Neurons, Gamma
Entry term(s) Fusimotor Neuron
Fusimotor Neurons
Gamma Motor Neuron
Gamma Motor Neurons
Gamma Motorneuron
Gamma Motorneurons
Gamma-Efferent Motor Neuron
Gamma-Efferent Motor Neurons
Motor Neuron, Gamma
Motor Neuron, Gamma-Efferent
Motor Neurons, Gamma Efferent
Motor Neurons, Gamma-Efferent
Motorneuron, Gamma
Motorneurons, Gamma
Neuron, Fusimotor
Neuron, Gamma Motor
Neuron, Gamma-Efferent Motor
Neurons, Fusimotor
Neurons, Gamma Motor
Neurons, Gamma-Efferent Motor

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