Descriptor English: Social Welfare
Descriptor Spanish: Bienestar Social
Descriptor bienestar social
Scope note: Instituciones organizadas que proporcionan servicios para mejorar las condiciones de necesidad o la patología social en la comunidad.
Descriptor Portuguese: Seguridade Social
Descriptor French: Organismes d'aide sociale
Entry term(s): Community Service
Community Services
Service, Community
Services, Community
Welfare, Social
Tree number(s): I01.880.787
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Organized institutions which provide services to ameliorate conditions of need or social pathology in the community.
Annotation: specify geog if pertinent
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
EH ethnology
ES ethics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
PX psychology
SN statistics & numerical data
TD trends
DeCS ID: 13330
Unique ID: D012946
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2001/07/25
Social Welfare - Preferred
Concept UI M0020060
Scope note Organized institutions which provide services to ameliorate conditions of need or social pathology in the community.
Preferred term Social Welfare
Entry term(s) Welfare, Social
Services, Community - Narrower
Concept UI M0020059
Preferred term Services, Community
Entry term(s) Community Service
Community Services
Service, Community

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