Descriptor English: Social Structure
Descriptor Spanish: Estructura Social
Descriptor estructura social
Scope note: Complejo de relaciones y sistemas que organizan y regulan los fenómenos interpersonales en un grupo o sociedad. La estructura social de un grupo incluye sus normas y roles y el estatus, la atracción y las relaciones de comunicación que unen a un miembro con otro (véase estructura de grupo). La estructura social de una sociedad incluye el complejo de relaciones entre las personas, grupos, instituciones, costumbres y otros elementos que la constituyen. (Traducción libre del original:
Descriptor Portuguese: Estrutura Social
Descriptor French: Édifice social
Entry term(s): Social Structures
Structure, Social
Structures, Social
Tree number(s): I01.880.761
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The complex of relationships and systems that organize and regulate interpersonal phenomena in a group or society. The social structure of a group includes its norms and roles and the status, attraction, and communication relations that link one member to another (see group structure). The social structure of a society includes the complex of relations among its constituent individuals, groups, institutions, customs, and mores. (‐structure)
Annotation: for issues concerning health, coordinate with SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Public MeSH Note: 2022
History Note: 2022
DeCS ID: 59882
Unique ID: D000091485
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2022/01/01
Date of Entry: 2021/07/09
Revision Date: 2021/07/06
Social Structure - Preferred
Concept UI M000749036
Scope note The complex of relationships and systems that organize and regulate interpersonal phenomena in a group or society. The social structure of a group includes its norms and roles and the status, attraction, and communication relations that link one member to another (see group structure). The social structure of a society includes the complex of relations among its constituent individuals, groups, institutions, customs, and mores. (‐structure)
Preferred term Social Structure
Entry term(s) Social Structures
Structure, Social
Structures, Social

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