Descriptor English: Economic Indexes
Descriptor Spanish: Indicadores Económicos
Descriptor índices económicos
Entry term(s) indicadores económicos
Scope note: Variables económicas, calculadas a intervalos regulares, para comprobar la evolución de la economía. Pueden atender a intereses teóricos (estudios académicos) o programáticos (para desarrollar políticas).
Descriptor Portuguese: Indicadores Econômicos
Descriptor French: Indicateurs Économiques
Entry term(s): Economic Indicators
Tree number(s): SH1.030.050.040
Scope note: Economic variables calculated in regular times to assess economy's evolution. They may address theoretical (academic research) or programmatic (for policies formulation) interests.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Quality of Life MeSH
Social Conditions MeSH
DeCS ID: 16665
Unique ID: DDCS016665
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Economic Indexes - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057834
Scope note Economic variables calculated in regular times to assess economy's evolution. They may address theoretical (academic research) or programmatic (for policies formulation) interests.
Preferred term Economic Indexes
Entry term(s) Economic Indicators

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