Descriptor English: Information Society Indicators
Descriptor Spanish: Indicadores de Sociedad de la Información
Descriptor indicadores de la sociedad de la Información
Scope note: Conjunto o sistema de indicadores para analizar el desarrollo y la puesta en práctica de la Sociedad de la Información y para comparar el grado de adaptación de los compañeros sociales a ella. Se pueden agrupar en cuatro áreas: conocimiento e innovación, tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), sociedad y economía. (Traducción libre a partir del original:
Descriptor Portuguese: Indicadores de Sociedade da Informação
Descriptor French: Indicateurs de la Société de l'Information
Tree number(s): SH1.030.050.020
Scope note: Set or system of indicators to analyze the development and implementation of the Information Society, and to compare the degree of adaptation of the social partners to it. They can be grouped into four areas: knowledge and innovation, information and communication technologies (ICT), society and economy.(Free translation from the original:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50099
Unique ID: DDCS050099
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Information Society Indicators - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061358
Scope note Set or system of indicators to analyze the development and implementation of the Information Society, and to compare the degree of adaptation of the social partners to it. They can be grouped into four areas: knowledge and innovation, information and communication technologies (ICT), society and economy.(Free translation from the original:
Preferred term Information Society Indicators

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