Descriptor English: Storm Sewerage
Descriptor Spanish: Alcantarillado Pluvial
Descriptor alcantarillado pluvial
Scope note: Agua procedente de precipitaciones atmosféricas o de la limpieza o drenaje de las calles. Excluye las AGUAS RESIDUALES y los EFLUENTES INDUSTRIALES.
Descriptor Portuguese: Redes de Esgoto Pluvial
Descriptor French: Égout Pluvial
Entry term(s): Storm Sewerage Systems
Tree number(s): SP4.606.806.945.750.207.799.815.880
Scope note: Storm water or water from the streets cleaning or drainage. It excludes wastewater and industrial effluents.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Drop Inlets DeCS
Runoff Coefficient DeCS
Stormwater Inlets DeCS
Surface Runoff DeCS
DeCS ID: 24951
Unique ID: DDCS024951
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Storm Sewerage - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057968
Scope note Storm water or water from the streets cleaning or drainage. It excludes wastewater and industrial effluents.
Preferred term Storm Sewerage
Entry term(s) Storm Sewerage Systems

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