Descriptor English: Hydrologic Balance
Descriptor Spanish: Balance Hidrológico
Descriptor balance hidrológico
Scope note: En agrometeorología, es el balance entre las entradas y salidas de agua en una región hidrológica determinada (cuenca, lago, etc.) considerando las variaciones en su acumulación.
Descriptor Portuguese: Balanço Hidrológico
Descriptor French: Bilan Hydrologique
Entry term(s): Soil-Water-Balance
Tree number(s): SP4.606.489.023
Scope note: Concerning climatology, it is the balance of water input or output within a defined hydrological region (basin, lake, etc.) considering variations of accumulation.
Annotation: Do not confuse with WATER-ELECTROLYTE BALANCE, a physiological concept
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Evaporation DeCS
Evapotranspiration DeCS
Surface Runoff DeCS
Water Cycle MeSH
Water Resources Planning DeCS
DeCS ID: 24980
Unique ID: DDCS024980
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Hydrologic Balance - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057990
Scope note Concerning climatology, it is the balance of water input or output within a defined hydrological region (basin, lake, etc.) considering variations of accumulation.
Preferred term Hydrologic Balance
Entry term(s) Soil-Water-Balance

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