Descriptor English: Stormwater Runoff
Descriptor Spanish: Escorrentía Pluvial
Descriptor escorrentía pluvial
Entry term(s) escurrimiento pluvial
Scope note: Manejo de aguas pluviales: En la concepción actual de manejo de aguas pluviales urbanas, el control y la minimización de los efectos adversos de las inundaciones urbanas no se limitan al principio dominante de propiciar el alejamiento y el flujo de las aguas pluviales de los puntos críticos. Agregan un conjunto de acciones y soluciones de carácter estructural y estructurante, involucrando ejecución de grandes y pequeñas obras, de planificación y gestión de ocupación del espacio urbano, con legislación y fiscalización eficientes en cuanto a la generación de los flujos superficiales. (Traducción libre del original: Brasil. FUNASA, 2018)
Descriptor Portuguese: Escoamento de Água de Chuva
Descriptor French: Ruissellement des Eaux Pluviales
Entry term(s): Rainwater Runoff
Storm Water Runoff
Tree number(s): SP4.202.440.567.290.350
Scope note: Stormwater management: In the current conception of urban storm water management, the control and minimization of the adverse effects of urban floods are not limited to the dominant principle of distancing and flowing storm water from critical points. They add a set of actions and solutions of structural and non-structural character, involving execution of large and small works, planning and management of urban occupation, with efficient legislation and inspection regarding the generation of superficial flows. (Free translation from the original: Brasil. FUNASA, 2018)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Rainwater DeCS
Surface Runoff DeCS
DeCS ID: 25693
Unique ID: DDCS025693
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Stormwater Runoff - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058516
Scope note Stormwater management: In the current conception of urban storm water management, the control and minimization of the adverse effects of urban floods are not limited to the dominant principle of distancing and flowing storm water from critical points. They add a set of actions and solutions of structural and non-structural character, involving execution of large and small works, planning and management of urban occupation, with efficient legislation and inspection regarding the generation of superficial flows. (Free translation from the original: Brasil. FUNASA, 2018)
Preferred term Stormwater Runoff
Entry term(s) Rainwater Runoff
Storm Water Runoff

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