Descriptor English: Pharmacodynamics of Homeopathic Remedy
Descriptor Spanish: Farmacocinética del Medicamento Homeopático
Descriptor farmacodinámica de los remedios homeopáticos
Entry term(s) acción farmacodinámica de los medicamentos homeopáticos
acción farmacodinámica de los remedios homeopáticos
farmacodinámica en homeopatía
Scope note: La información homeopática moviliza los mecanismos del organismo que llevan a la enfermedad o la curación. Cada paciente (Ser) responde de acuerdo con su individualidad.
Descriptor Portuguese: Farmacodinâmica do Medicamento Homeopático
Descriptor French: Pharmacodynamique des Remèdes en Homéopathie
Entry term(s): Pharmacodynamic Action of Homeopathic Drugs
Pharmacodynamic Action of Homeopathic Remedy
Pharmacodynamics in Homeopathy
Tree number(s): HP1.007.281
Scope note: The homeopathic information mobilizes the organism's mechanisms that lead to illness or cure. Each patient (being) responds according to his/her individuality.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
DE drug effects
HI history
MT methods
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Related: Mechanisms of Action of Homeopathic Remedies DeCS
Small Doses DeCS
Vital Force DeCS
Vitalism MeSH
DeCS ID: 25890
Unique ID: DDCS025890
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Pharmacodynamics of Homeopathic Remedy - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058595
Scope note The homeopathic information mobilizes the organism's mechanisms that lead to illness or cure. Each patient (being) responds according to his/her individuality.
Preferred term Pharmacodynamics of Homeopathic Remedy
Entry term(s) Pharmacodynamic Action of Homeopathic Drugs
Pharmacodynamic Action of Homeopathic Remedy
Pharmacodynamics in Homeopathy

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