Descriptor English: Kollitsch Groups
Descriptor Spanish: Grupos de Kollitsch
Descriptor grupos de Kollitsch
Scope note: Reunión de los remedios según los grupos correspondientes: temperamento de los pacientes, agentes mórbidos de la enfermedad y órganos y tejidos afectados por el agente mórbido.
Descriptor Portuguese: Grupamentos de Kollitsch
Descriptor French: Groupes de Kollitsch
Entry term(s): Kollitshc Charts
Tree number(s): HP4.018.967
Scope note: Kollitsch's proposal, which grouped homeopathic medicines according to characteristics corresponding to the individual's temperament, oxidation and hydration processes, the morbid agent of the disease and the organic sector on which the morbid agent acts, creating diagrams to evaluate possible medicines evolutionary processes to be prescribed.
Annotation: no qualif
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Boyd Groups DeCS
DeCS ID: 26626
Unique ID: DDCS026626
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Kollitsch Groups - Preferred
Concept UI FD00059256
Scope note Kollitsch's proposal, which grouped homeopathic medicines according to characteristics corresponding to the individual's temperament, oxidation and hydration processes, the morbid agent of the disease and the organic sector on which the morbid agent acts, creating diagrams to evaluate possible medicines evolutionary processes to be prescribed.
Preferred term Kollitsch Groups
Entry term(s) Kollitshc Charts

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