Descriptor English: Homeopathic Pharmacy Techniques
Descriptor Spanish: Farmacotécnica Homeopática
Descriptor farmacotécnicas homeopáticas
Scope note: Conjunto de procedimientos llevados a cabo durante la preparación de los remedios homeopáticos.
Descriptor Portuguese: Farmacotécnica Homeopática
Descriptor French: Pharmacotechniques Homéopathiques
Entry term(s): Homeopathic Drug Preparation
Homeopathic Pharmacotechniques
Tree number(s): HP7
Scope note: An area of Pharmacy dedicated to the study and development of methods and techniques for the production, manipulation, preparation, formulation, stability and quality control of homeopathic medicines.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Dynamization DeCS
Homeopathic Pharmacies DeCS
Homeopathic Vehicles DeCS
Mother Tincture DeCS
Technology, Pharmaceutical MeSH
DeCS ID: 26542
Unique ID: DDCS026542
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Homeopathic Pharmacy Techniques - Preferred
Concept UI FD00059181
Scope note An area of Pharmacy dedicated to the study and development of methods and techniques for the production, manipulation, preparation, formulation, stability and quality control of homeopathic medicines.
Preferred term Homeopathic Pharmacy Techniques
Entry term(s) Homeopathic Drug Preparation
Homeopathic Pharmacotechniques

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