Descriptor English: Basic Homeopathic Research
Descriptor Spanish: Investigación Homeopática Básica
Descriptor investigación homeopática básica
Scope note: Conjunto de experimentos considerados iniciales cuando se estudia la homeopatía, es decir, la naturaleza del remedio homeopático. Estos procedimientos preceden a la investigación clínica.
Descriptor Portuguese: Pesquisa Homeopática Básica
Descriptor French: Recherche Fondamentale en Homéopathie
Entry term(s): Animal Assays in Homeopathy
Animals Research in Homeopathy
In Vitro Assays in Homeopathy
In Vitro Research in Homeopathy
Tree number(s): HP7.011
Scope note: Set of experiments considered as initial when studying Homeopathy, i.e.: nature of the homeopathic remedy. These procedures precede clinical research.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 27160
Unique ID: DDCS027160
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Basic Homeopathic Research - Preferred
Concept UI FD00059729
Scope note Set of experiments considered as initial when studying Homeopathy, i.e.: nature of the homeopathic remedy. These procedures precede clinical research.
Preferred term Basic Homeopathic Research
Entry term(s) Animal Assays in Homeopathy
Animals Research in Homeopathy
In Vitro Assays in Homeopathy
In Vitro Research in Homeopathy

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