Descriptor English: Cancerous Symptoms
Descriptor Spanish: Síntomas Cancerosos
Descriptor síntomas cancerosos
Entry term(s) síntomas cancerínicos
Scope note: Síntomas que indican un estado miasmático canceroso que abarca a las tres miasmas básicas: psora, sicosis y sífilis.
Descriptor Portuguese: Sintomas Cancerínicos
Descriptor French: Symptômes cancéreux
Entry term(s): Symptoms, Cancerinic
Tree number(s): HP2.106.414
Scope note: Those symptoms indicative of the miasmatic state or cancerous reactional mode related to and dependent on the disaggregation, proliferation and uncontrolled destruction of tissues, accompanied by manifestations of personality disintegration.
Annotation: INDEXER: note category
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
ED education
HI history
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
VE veterinary
Related: Cancerinism DeCS
Miasmatic Diagnosis DeCS
Symptomatology DeCS
DeCS ID: 27458
Unique ID: DDCS027458
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Cancerous Symptoms - Preferred
Concept UI FD00059961
Scope note Those symptoms indicative of the miasmatic state or cancerous reactional mode related to and dependent on the disaggregation, proliferation and uncontrolled destruction of tissues, accompanied by manifestations of personality disintegration.
Preferred term Cancerous Symptoms
Entry term(s) Symptoms, Cancerinic

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