Descriptor English: Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic
Descriptor Spanish: Ensayos Clínicos Controlados como Asunto
Descriptor ensayos clínicos controlados como asunto
Entry term(s) ensayos clínicos controlados como tema
Scope note: Estudios clínicos que implican uno o más tratamientos de prueba, al menos un tratamiento de control, medidas del resultado especificadas para evaluar la intervención estudiada y un método sin sesgo para asignar los pacientes al tratamiento de prueba. El tratamiento puede ser medicamentoso, con dispositivos o mediante procedimientos estudiados en relación con su eficacia diagnóstica, terapéutica o profiláctica. Las medidas de control incluyen placebos, fármacos activos, ausencia de tratamiento, formas y regímenes de dosificación, comparaciones históricas, etc. Cuando se utiliza la distribución aleatoria con empleo de técnicas matemáticas, como el empleo de una tabla de números aleatorios, para asignar los pacientes a tratamientos de prueba o de control, los estudios se denominan ENSAYOS CONTROLADOS ALEATORIZADOS COMO ASUNTO.
Descriptor Portuguese: Ensaios Clínicos Controlados como Assunto
Descriptor French: Essais cliniques contrôlés comme sujet
Entry term(s): Clinical Trials, Controlled as Topic
Tree number(s): E05.318.372.250.250.365
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Works about clinical trials involving one or more test treatments, at least one control treatment, specified outcome measures for evaluating the studied intervention, and a bias-free method for assigning patients to the test treatment. The treatment may be drugs, devices, or procedures studied for diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic effectiveness. Control measures include placebos, active medicines, no-treatment, dosage forms and regimens, historical comparisons, etc. When randomization using mathematical techniques, such as the use of a random numbers table, is employed to assign patients to test or control treatments, the trials are characterized as RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS AS TOPIC.
Annotation: for general design, methodology, economics, etc. of clinical trials; a different heading CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL is used for reports of a specific clinical trial
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
MT methods
PX psychology
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Clinical Trials (1980-1994)
Public MeSH Note: 2008; see CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS 1995-2007,was see CLINICAL TRIALS 1980-1994
History Note: 2008(1995); use CLINICAAL TRIALS 1980-1984
Related: Control Groups MeSH
DeCS ID: 32299
Unique ID: D018849
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1995/01/01
Date of Entry: 1994/06/30
Revision Date: 2018/07/02
Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic - Preferred
Concept UI M0028203
Scope note Works about clinical trials involving one or more test treatments, at least one control treatment, specified outcome measures for evaluating the studied intervention, and a bias-free method for assigning patients to the test treatment. The treatment may be drugs, devices, or procedures studied for diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic effectiveness. Control measures include placebos, active medicines, no-treatment, dosage forms and regimens, historical comparisons, etc. When randomization using mathematical techniques, such as the use of a random numbers table, is employed to assign patients to test or control treatments, the trials are characterized as RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS AS TOPIC.
Preferred term Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic
Entry term(s) Clinical Trials, Controlled as Topic

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