Descriptor English: Absorbable Implants
Descriptor Spanish: Implantes Absorbibles
Descriptor implantes absorbibles
Entry term(s) implantes bioabsorbibles
implantes biodegradables
Scope note: Implantes elaborados con materiales diseñados para que el organismo los absorba sin producir una respuesta inmunitaria. Por lo general están compuestos de plásticos y se utilizan con frecuencia en ortopedia y ortodoncia.
Descriptor Portuguese: Implantes Absorvíveis
Descriptor French: Implant résorbable
Entry term(s): Absorbable Implant
Bioabsorbable Implant
Bioabsorbable Implants
Biodegradable Implant
Biodegradable Implants
Implant, Absorbable
Implant, Bioabsorbable
Implant, Biodegradable
Implants, Absorbable
Implants, Bioabsorbable
Implants, Biodegradable
Tree number(s): E07.695.025
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Implants constructed of materials designed to be absorbed by the body without producing an immune response. They are usually composed of plastics and are frequently used in orthopedics and orthodontics.
Annotation: coord with substance if emphasized
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
MI microbiology
PS parasitology
PX psychology
SD supply & distribution
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
VI virology
Public MeSH Note: 99
History Note: 99
DeCS ID: 33879
Unique ID: D020341
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1999/01/01
Date of Entry: 1998/06/10
Absorbable Implants - Preferred
Concept UI M0029978
Scope note Implants constructed of materials designed to be absorbed by the body without producing an immune response. They are usually composed of plastics and are frequently used in orthopedics and orthodontics.
Preferred term Absorbable Implants
Entry term(s) Absorbable Implant
Bioabsorbable Implant
Bioabsorbable Implants
Biodegradable Implant
Biodegradable Implants
Implant, Absorbable
Implant, Bioabsorbable
Implant, Biodegradable
Implants, Absorbable
Implants, Bioabsorbable
Implants, Biodegradable

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