Descriptor English: Dust Storm
Descriptor Spanish: Tormenta de Polvo
Descriptor tormenta de arena
Scope note: Polvo (arena) que es elevado a gran altura por la acción de vientos fuertes y turbulentos. (Traducción libre del original: Material II - IDNDR, 1992)
Descriptor Portuguese: Tempestade de Areia
Descriptor French: Tempête de Poussière
Entry term(s): Sand Storm
Tree number(s): SP8.190.270.620.713.363
Scope note: Dust (sand) energetically lifted to great heights by strong and turbulent winds (M) (Material II - IDNDR, 1992)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 34694
Unique ID: DDCS034694
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Dust Storm - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060584
Scope note Dust (sand) energetically lifted to great heights by strong and turbulent winds (M) (Material II - IDNDR, 1992)
Preferred term Dust Storm
Entry term(s) Sand Storm

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