Descriptor English: Snowstorm
Descriptor Spanish: Tormenta de Nieve
Descriptor tormenta de nieve
Scope note: Fenómeno meteorológico, mucho más complicado que la lluvia, que consiste en la caída de agua en estado semisólido, en forma de pequeños cristales de hielo ramificados que se precipitan como copos blancos y ligeros. (Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPS, 1992)
Descriptor Portuguese: Tempestade de Neve
Descriptor French: Tempête de Neige
Entry term(s): Snow-Storm
Tree number(s): SP8.190.270.620.713.484
Scope note: A meteorological phenomenon much more complicated than rain consisting of semi-solid water in a form of branched small ice crystals that precipitate as fast white flakes. (Free translation from the original: Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPS, 1992)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 34978
Unique ID: DDCS034978
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Snowstorm - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060843
Scope note A meteorological phenomenon much more complicated than rain consisting of semi-solid water in a form of branched small ice crystals that precipitate as fast white flakes. (Free translation from the original: Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPS, 1992)
Preferred term Snowstorm
Entry term(s) Snow-Storm

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