Descriptor English: Self-Sustained Sequence Replication
Descriptor Spanish: Replicación de Secuencia Autosostenida
Descriptor replicación automantenida de secuencias
Entry term(s) amplificación NASBA
amplificación por secuencias de ácidos nucleicos
Scope note: Proceso isotérmico de amplificación de nucleótidos in vitro. El proceso implica la acción concomitante de una POLIMERASA DE ADN DIRIGIDA POR ARN, una ribonucleasa (RIBONUCLEASAS), y una POLIMERASA DE ARN DIRIGIDA POR ADN para sintetizar grandes cantidades de secuencias de moléculas de ARN y ADN específicas.
Descriptor Portuguese: Replicação de Sequência Autossustentável
Descriptor French: Réplication de séquence auto-entretenue
Entry term(s): Analyses, NASBA
Analysis, NASBA
NASBA Analyses
NASBA Analysis
Nucleic Acid Sequence Based Amplification
Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification
Replication, Self-Sustained Sequence
Replications, Self-Sustained Sequence
Self Sustained Sequence Replication
Self-Sustained Sequence Replications
Sequence Replication, Self-Sustained
Sequence Replications, Self-Sustained
Tree number(s): E05.393.620.700
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: An isothermal in-vitro nucleotide amplification process. The process involves the concomitant action of a RNA-DIRECTED DNA POLYMERASE, a ribonuclease (RIBONUCLEASES), and DNA-DIRECTED RNA POLYMERASES to synthesize large quantities of sequence-specific RNA and DNA molecules.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Public MeSH Note: 2001
History Note: 2001
DeCS ID: 35410
Unique ID: D021161
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2001/01/01
Date of Entry: 2000/06/21
Revision Date: 2006/07/05
Self-Sustained Sequence Replication - Preferred
Concept UI M0351785
Scope note An isothermal in-vitro nucleotide amplification process. The process involves the concomitant action of a RNA-DIRECTED DNA POLYMERASE, a ribonuclease (RIBONUCLEASES), and DNA-DIRECTED RNA POLYMERASES to synthesize large quantities of sequence-specific RNA and DNA molecules.
Preferred term Self-Sustained Sequence Replication
Entry term(s) Nucleic Acid Sequence Based Amplification
Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification
Replication, Self-Sustained Sequence
Replications, Self-Sustained Sequence
Self Sustained Sequence Replication
Self-Sustained Sequence Replications
Sequence Replication, Self-Sustained
Sequence Replications, Self-Sustained
NASBA - Narrower
Concept UI M0373317
Preferred term NASBA
Entry term(s) Analyses, NASBA
Analysis, NASBA
NASBA Analyses
NASBA Analysis

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