Descriptor English: Human Resources in Science and Technology Indicators
Descriptor Spanish: Indicadores de Recursos Humanos en Ciencia y Tecnología
Descriptor indicadores de recursos humanos en ciencia y tecnología
Scope note: Reflejan el número de personas implicadas en la ciencia y tecnología, de acuerdo a sus diferentes funciones: investigadores, alumnos o miembros doctorales, personal de apoyo y personal de servicio en ciencia y tecnología.
Descriptor Portuguese: Indicadores de Recursos Humanos em Ciência e Tecnologia
Descriptor French: Indicateurs de Ressources Humaines en Sciences et Technologie
Tree number(s): SH1.
Scope note: They reflect the number of people involved in science and technology, according to their different functions: researchers, scholars or doctoral fellows, support staff and science and technology service personnel.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50094
Unique ID: DDCS050094
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Human Resources in Science and Technology Indicators - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061353
Scope note They reflect the number of people involved in science and technology, according to their different functions: researchers, scholars or doctoral fellows, support staff and science and technology service personnel.
Preferred term Human Resources in Science and Technology Indicators

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