Descriptor English: Expenditures on Science and Technology Indicators
Descriptor Spanish: Indicadores de Gastos en Ciencia y Tecnología
Descriptor indicadores de los gastos en ciencia y tecnología
Scope note: Índices expresados en diferentes monedas de cambio que reflejan la inversión de cada país en ciencia, tecnología, investigación y desarrollo, tanto por el sector público como por el sector privado. (Traducción libre a partir del original:
Descriptor Portuguese: Indicadores de Gastos em Ciência e Tecnologia
Descriptor French: Indicateurs de Dépenses en Sciences et Technologie
Tree number(s): SH1.
Scope note: Indexes expressed in different currencies which reflect the investiment of each country in science, technology, research and development, by both the public and the private sector. (Free translation from the original: RICYT -
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50096
Unique ID: DDCS050096
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Expenditures on Science and Technology Indicators - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061355
Scope note Indexes expressed in different currencies which reflect the investiment of each country in science, technology, research and development, by both the public and the private sector. (Free translation from the original: RICYT -
Preferred term Expenditures on Science and Technology Indicators

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