Descriptor English: Breast-Milk Substitutes
Descriptor Spanish: Sustitutos de la Leche Humana
Descriptor sustitutos de la leche materna
Entry term(s) leche humana en polvo
sucedáneo de la leche (Salud Pública)
sucedáneo de la leche materna
sustitutos de la leche (Salud Pública)
sustitutos de la leche humana
Scope note: Alimentos que se utilizan como sustitutos parciales o totales de la leche materna para la alimentación de los lactantes.
Descriptor Portuguese: Substitutos do Leite Humano
Descriptor French: Substituts du Lait Maternel
Entry term(s): Breast Milk Substitutes
Growing-Up Milk
Human Milk Substitutes
Milk Substitutes (Public Health)
Milk Substitutes, Human
Powdered Human Milk
Toddler's Milk
Tree number(s): SP6.090.324.215.542.871
Scope note: Any food sold with the purpose of partially or totally substitute human milk in feeding infants. (WHO)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Milk Substitutes MeSH
DeCS ID: 50338
Unique ID: DDCS050338
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Breast-Milk Substitutes - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061491
Scope note Any food sold with the purpose of partially or totally substitute human milk in feeding infants. (WHO)
Preferred term Breast-Milk Substitutes
Entry term(s) Breast Milk Substitutes
Growing-Up Milk
Human Milk Substitutes
Milk Substitutes (Public Health)
Milk Substitutes, Human
Powdered Human Milk
Toddler's Milk

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