Descriptor English: Anhedonia
Descriptor Spanish: Anhedonia
Descriptor anhedonia
Scope note: Incapacidad de experimentar placer por deterioro o disfunción de los mecanismos psicológicos o neurobiológicos normales. Es un síntoma de muchos TRASTORNOS PSICÓTICOS (ejemplo TRASTORNO DEPRESIVO MAYOR; y ESQUIZOFRENIA).
Descriptor Portuguese: Anedonia
Descriptor French: Anhédonie
Entry term(s): Anhedonia, Physical
Anhedonia, Social
Anhedonias, Physical
Anhedonias, Social
Physical Anhedonia
Physical Anhedonias
Social Anhedonia
Social Anhedonias
Tree number(s): C10.597.606.057
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Inability to experience pleasure due to impairment or dysfunction of normal psychological and neurobiological mechanisms. It is a symptom of many PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS (e.g., DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, MAJOR; and SCHIZOPHRENIA).
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
DE drug effects
ES ethics
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Public MeSH Note: 2012
History Note: 2012
DeCS ID: 54515
Unique ID: D059445
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2012/01/01
Date of Entry: 2011/06/27
Anhedonia - Preferred
Concept UI M0550139
Scope note Inability to experience pleasure due to impairment or dysfunction of normal psychological and neurobiological mechanisms. It is a symptom of many PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS (e.g., DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, MAJOR; and SCHIZOPHRENIA).
Preferred term Anhedonia
Entry term(s) Anhedonias
Social Anhedonia - Narrower
Concept UI M0550140
Preferred term Social Anhedonia
Entry term(s) Anhedonia, Social
Anhedonias, Social
Social Anhedonias
Physical Anhedonia - Narrower
Concept UI M0550141
Preferred term Physical Anhedonia
Entry term(s) Anhedonia, Physical
Anhedonias, Physical
Physical Anhedonias

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