Descriptor English: S Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoints
Descriptor Spanish: Puntos de Control de la Fase S del Ciclo Celular
Descriptor puntos de comprobación del ciclo celular en fase S
Entry term(s) punto de comprobación de la fase S
punto de comprobación del ciclo celular en fase S
Scope note: Sistema de regulación de señalización celular que controla la progresión a través de la FASE S y estabiliza la replicación de las horquillas en condiciones que podrían afectar la fidelidad de la REPLICACIÓN DEL ADN, tales como DAÑO DEL ADN o el agotamiento de las reservas de nucleótidos.
Descriptor Portuguese: Pontos de Checagem da Fase S do Ciclo Celular
Descriptor French: Points de contrôle de la phase S du cycle cellulaire
Entry term(s): Checkpoint, Intra-S
Checkpoint, S Phase
Checkpoints, Intra-S
Checkpoints, S Phase
Intra S Checkpoint
Intra S Checkpoints
Intra-S Checkpoint
Intra-S Checkpoints
Phase Checkpoint, S
Phase Checkpoints, S
S Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoint
S Phase Checkpoint
S Phase Checkpoints
Tree number(s): G04.144.109.875
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Cell regulatory signaling system that controls progression through S PHASE and stabilizes the replication forks during conditions that could affect the fidelity of DNA REPLICATION, such as DNA DAMAGE or depletion of nucleotide pools.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: S Phase (1995-2011)
Public MeSH Note: 2012
History Note: 2012
DeCS ID: 54788
Unique ID: D059807
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2012/01/01
Date of Entry: 2011/06/24
Revision Date: 2016/06/17
S Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoints - Preferred
Concept UI M0551683
Scope note Cell regulatory signaling system that controls progression through S PHASE and stabilizes the replication forks during conditions that could affect the fidelity of DNA REPLICATION, such as DNA DAMAGE or depletion of nucleotide pools.
Preferred term S Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoints
Entry term(s) Checkpoint, S Phase
Checkpoints, S Phase
Phase Checkpoint, S
Phase Checkpoints, S
S Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoint
S Phase Checkpoint
S Phase Checkpoints
Intra-S Checkpoints - Narrower
Concept UI M0551684
Preferred term Intra-S Checkpoints
Entry term(s) Checkpoint, Intra-S
Checkpoints, Intra-S
Intra S Checkpoint
Intra S Checkpoints
Intra-S Checkpoint

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