Descriptor English: Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants
Descriptor Spanish: Autoincompatibilidad en las Plantas con Flores
Descriptor autoincompatibilidad en las plantas de floración
Entry term(s) esterilidad masculina citoplasmática en plantas
incompatibilidad intraespecífica en plantas
incompatibilidad nuclear-citoplasmática en plantas
Scope note: Fenómeno reproductivo natural de las PLANTAS CON FLORES en el que surge una autoincompatibilidad debido a las diferencias entre NÚCLEO, CITOPLASMA, MITOCONDRIA o CLOROPLASTOS que se producen en los gametos procedentes de fuentes diferentes cuando se unen mediante hibridación cruzada o manipulación in vitro.
Descriptor Portuguese: Autoincompatibilidade em Angiospermas
Descriptor French: Auto-incompatibilité chez les plantes à fleurs
Entry term(s): Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Plants
Gametophytic Self Incompatibilty
Gametophytic Self-Incompatibilties
Gametophytic Self-Incompatibilty
Intraspecific Incompatibility in Plants
Nuclear Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Plants
Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Plants
Self Incompatibility in Flowering Plants
Self-Incompatibilties, Gametophytic
Self-Incompatibilty, Gametophytic
Tree number(s): G15.840
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A naturally occurring reproductive phenomenon of FLOWERING PLANTS where self-incompatibility arises due to differences between NUCLEUS, CYTOPLASM, MITOCHONDRIA, or CHLOROPLASTS that occur in gamete cells from separate sources when they are brought together by cross-hybridization or in vitro manipulation.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: Fertilization (1970-2011)
Public MeSH Note: 2012
History Note: 2012
DeCS ID: 54820
Unique ID: D060436
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2012/01/01
Date of Entry: 2011/06/24
Revision Date: 2022/07/12
Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants - Preferred
Concept UI M0553986
Scope note A naturally occurring reproductive phenomenon of FLOWERING PLANTS where self-incompatibility arises due to differences between NUCLEUS, CYTOPLASM, MITOCHONDRIA, or CHLOROPLASTS that occur in gamete cells from separate sources when they are brought together by cross-hybridization or in vitro manipulation.
Preferred term Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants
Entry term(s) Intraspecific Incompatibility in Plants
Self Incompatibility in Flowering Plants
Gametophytic Self-Incompatibilty - Narrower
Concept UI M0554593
Scope note A mechanism for avoiding inbreeding specifically involving the gametes.
Preferred term Gametophytic Self-Incompatibilty
Entry term(s) Gametophytic Self Incompatibilty
Gametophytic Self-Incompatibilties
Self-Incompatibilties, Gametophytic
Self-Incompatibilty, Gametophytic
Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Plants - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000755913
Preferred term Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Plants
Entry term(s) Nuclear Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Plants
Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Plants - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000755925
Preferred term Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Plants

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