Descriptor English: Prodromal Symptoms
Descriptor Spanish: Síntomas Prodrómicos
Descriptor síntomas prodrómicos
Scope note: Indicadores clínicos o fisiológicos que preceden a la aparición de una enfermedad.
Descriptor Portuguese: Sintomas Prodrômicos
Descriptor French: Symptômes prodromiques
Entry term(s): Characteristic, Prodromal
Characteristics, Prodromal
Period, Prodromal
Periods, Prodromal
Prodromal Characteristic
Prodromal Characteristics
Prodromal Period
Prodromal Periods
Prodromal Sign
Prodromal Signs
Prodromal Stage
Prodromal Stages
Prodromal State
Prodromal States
Prodromal Symptom
Prodromal Syndrome
Prodromal Syndromes
Sign, Prodromal
Signs, Prodromal
Stage, Prodromal
Stages, Prodromal
State, Prodromal
States, Prodromal
Symptom, Prodromal
Symptoms, Prodromal
Syndrome, Prodromal
Syndromes, Prodromal
Tree number(s): C23.888.672
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Clinical or physiological indicators that precede the onset of disease.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Previous Indexing: Early Diagnosis (1963-2012)
Public MeSH Note: 2013
History Note: 2013
DeCS ID: 54896
Unique ID: D062706
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2013/01/01
Date of Entry: 2012/07/03
Prodromal Symptoms - Preferred
Concept UI M0569034
Scope note Clinical or physiological indicators that precede the onset of disease.
Preferred term Prodromal Symptoms
Entry term(s) Characteristic, Prodromal
Characteristics, Prodromal
Prodromal Characteristic
Prodromal Characteristics
Prodromal Sign
Prodromal Signs
Prodromal Symptom
Prodromal Syndrome
Prodromal Syndromes
Sign, Prodromal
Signs, Prodromal
Symptom, Prodromal
Symptoms, Prodromal
Syndrome, Prodromal
Syndromes, Prodromal
Prodromal States - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0569574
Scope note Early event in disease onset
Preferred term Prodromal States
Entry term(s) Prodromal State
State, Prodromal
States, Prodromal
Prodromal Period - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0569573
Scope note Time marking early onset of disease
Preferred term Prodromal Period
Entry term(s) Period, Prodromal
Periods, Prodromal
Prodromal Periods
Prodromal Stage - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0569572
Scope note Early onset of symptoms
Preferred term Prodromal Stage
Entry term(s) Prodromal Stages
Stage, Prodromal
Stages, Prodromal

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