Descriptor English: Formative Feedback
Descriptor Spanish: Retroalimentación Formativa
Descriptor retroalimentación formativa
Scope note: Información comunicada al alumno que tiene la intención de modificar el pensamiento o la conducta del alumno con el fin de mejorar el aprendizaje.
Descriptor Portuguese: Feedback Formativo
Descriptor French: Rétroaction formative
Entry term(s): Constructive Feedback
Feedback (Learning)
Feedback, Constructive
Feedback, Formative
Tree number(s): F02.784.629.529.223
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Information communicated to the learner that is intended to modify the learner’s thinking or behavior for the purpose of improving learning.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Previous Indexing: Learning (2010-2015)
Public MeSH Note: 2016
History Note: 2016
DeCS ID: 56089
Unique ID: D000068156
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2016/01/01
Date of Entry: 2015/07/01
Revision Date: 2017/06/30
Formative Feedback - Preferred
Concept UI M000601936
Scope note Information communicated to the learner that is intended to modify the learner’s thinking or behavior for the purpose of improving learning.
Preferred term Formative Feedback
Entry term(s) Constructive Feedback
Feedback (Learning)
Feedback, Constructive
Feedback, Formative

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