Descriptor English: South-South Cooperation
Descriptor Spanish: Cooperación Sur-Sur
Descriptor Cooperación Sur-Sur
Scope note: La Cooperación Sur-Sur es el proceso de interacción económica, comercial, social o de otra naturaleza que se estabelece (idealmente) con mutuos benefícios entre los países en desarrollo, generalmente situados en el hemisferio sur. (Traducción libre del original: BUSS; FERREIRA, 2010, p. 106)
Descriptor Portuguese: Cooperação Sul-Sul
Descriptor French: Coopération Sud-Sud
Entry term(s): Technical Cooperation among Development Countries
Tree number(s): SH1.010.020.005
Scope note: South-South cooperation is any kind of partnership (either economic, commercial, social, etc.) ideally established with multiple advantages for all partners, those being from the developing world, usually from the Southern Hemisphere. (BUSS; FERREIRA, 2010, p. 99)
Allowable Qualifiers: OG organization & administration
History Note: 2017
Related: Bilateral Cooperation Programs DeCS
Developed Countries MeSH
DeCS ID: 56238
Unique ID: DDCS056238
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
South-South Cooperation - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062043
Scope note South-South cooperation is any kind of partnership (either economic, commercial, social, etc.) ideally established with multiple advantages for all partners, those being from the developing world, usually from the Southern Hemisphere. (BUSS; FERREIRA, 2010, p. 99)
Preferred term South-South Cooperation
Entry term(s) Technical Cooperation among Development Countries

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