Descriptor English: Healthy Lifestyle
Descriptor Spanish: Estilo de Vida Saludable
Descriptor estilo de vida saludable
Entry term(s) comportamiento saludable
comportamientos saludables
conducta saludable
conductas saludables
estilos de vida saludables
hábito saludable
hábitos saludables
prácticas saludables
vida sana
Scope note: Patrón de conducta que implica opciones de ESTILO DE VIDA que procuran una salud óptima. Por ejemplo: comer sano, mantener el bienestar físico, emocional y espiritual y adoptar medidas preventivas frente a enfermedades transmisibles.
Descriptor Portuguese: Estilo de Vida Saudável
Descriptor French: Mode de vie sain
Entry term(s): Healthy Life Style
Healthy Life Styles
Healthy Lifestyles
Life Style, Healthy
Life Styles, Healthy
Lifestyle, Healthy
Lifestyles, Healthy
Tree number(s): F01.829.458.205
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A pattern of behavior involving LIFE STYLE choices which ensure optimum health. Examples are eating right; maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness, and taking preemptive steps against communicable diseases.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
DE drug effects
ES ethics
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: Life Style (1984-2016)
Public MeSH Note: 2017
History Note: 2017
Related: Health Behavior MeSH
DeCS ID: 56713
Unique ID: D000070497
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2017/01/01
Date of Entry: 2016/07/08
Revision Date: 2017/01/17
Healthy Lifestyle - Preferred
Concept UI M000610654
Scope note A pattern of behavior involving LIFE STYLE choices which ensure optimum health. Examples are eating right; maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness, and taking preemptive steps against communicable diseases.
Preferred term Healthy Lifestyle
Entry term(s) Healthy Life Style
Healthy Life Styles
Healthy Lifestyles
Life Style, Healthy
Life Styles, Healthy
Lifestyle, Healthy
Lifestyles, Healthy

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