Descriptor English: Sedentary Behavior
Descriptor Spanish: Conducta Sedentaria
Descriptor conducta sedentaria
Entry term(s) conductas sedentarias
estilo de vida sedentaria
estilo de vida sedentario
estilos de vida sedentarios
falta de actividad física
inactividad física
tiempo de sedentarismo
vida sedentaria
Scope note: Nivel de actividad física habitual caracterizado por menos de 30 minutos de actividad de intensidad moderada la mayoría de los días de la semana.
Descriptor Portuguese: Comportamento Sedentário
Descriptor French: Mode de vie sédentaire
Entry term(s): Behavior, Sedentary
Inactivity, Physical
Lack of Physical Activity
Lifestyle, Sedentary
Physical Inactivity
Sedentary Behaviors
Sedentary Lifestyle
Sedentary Time
Sedentary Times
Time, Sedentary
Tree number(s): F01.145.749
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Behaviors during waking hours that have low energy expenditure and are often performed in a sitting or reclining POSTURE.
Allowable Qualifiers: EH ethnology
HI history
Public MeSH Note: 2019(2010)
History Note: 2019(2010)
DeCS ID: 53743
Unique ID: D057185
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2010/01/01
Date of Entry: 2009/07/06
Revision Date: 2020/05/27
Sedentary Behavior - Preferred
Concept UI M0535007
Scope note Behaviors during waking hours that have low energy expenditure and are often performed in a sitting or reclining POSTURE.
Preferred term Sedentary Behavior
Entry term(s) Behavior, Sedentary
Lifestyle, Sedentary
Sedentary Behaviors
Sedentary Lifestyle
Physical Inactivity - Narrower
Concept UI M000643923
Scope note Less than 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity per week.
Preferred term Physical Inactivity
Entry term(s) Inactivity, Physical
Lack of Physical Activity
Sedentary Time - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000676877
Preferred term Sedentary Time
Entry term(s) Sedentary Times
Time, Sedentary

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