Descriptor English: Indigenous Culture
Descriptor Spanish: Cultura Indígena
Descriptor cultura indígena
Entry term(s) cultura de las poblaciones indígenas
cultura de los pueblos indígenas
culturas de las poblaciones indígenas
culturas de los pueblos indígenas
culturas indígenas
Scope note: 1. La cultura indígena abarca la producción material e inmaterial de innumerables y distintos pueblos en todo el mundo. Es importante destacar que no hay una cultura indígena, sino varias, y cada pueblo desarrolló sus propias tradiciones religiosas, musicales, de fiestas, artesanías, entre otras. (Traducción libre del original: 7Graus. TodaMatéria, 2017. Disponible en: 2. El modo de ser y de vivir de los pueblos indígenas. (Fuente: Culturas Indígenas. Ministério de Cultura do Brasil. Disponible en:
Descriptor Portuguese: Cultura Indígena
Descriptor French: Culture Indigène
Entry term(s): Culture of Indigenous Peoples
Culture of Indigenous Populations
Cultures of Indigenous Peoples
Cultures of Indigenous Populations
Indigenous Cultures
Tree number(s): SP3.311.900.898.314.476
Scope note: 1. Indigenous culture encompasses the material and immaterial production of countless and distinct peoples throughout the world. It is important to emphasize that there is not one indigenous culture, but several, and each people developed their own religious traditions, musical traditions, parties, handicrafts, among others. (From: 7Graus. TodaMatéria, 2017. Available in: 2. The way of being and living of indigenous peoples. (Loose translation of the original: Culturas Indígenas. Ministério de Cultura do Brasil. Available in:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2018
DeCS ID: 57383
Unique ID: DDCS057383
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Indigenous Culture - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062080
Scope note 1. Indigenous culture encompasses the material and immaterial production of countless and distinct peoples throughout the world. It is important to emphasize that there is not one indigenous culture, but several, and each people developed their own religious traditions, musical traditions, parties, handicrafts, among others. (From: 7Graus. TodaMatéria, 2017. Available in: 2. The way of being and living of indigenous peoples. (Loose translation of the original: Culturas Indígenas. Ministério de Cultura do Brasil. Available in:
Preferred term Indigenous Culture
Entry term(s) Culture of Indigenous Peoples
Culture of Indigenous Populations
Cultures of Indigenous Peoples
Cultures of Indigenous Populations
Indigenous Cultures

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